👤: So what Halloween costumes do you have?
🐲: I was thinking about Diamond Jim Brady.
👤: That sounds really obscure.
🐲: It was a joke in that Tim & Eric movie!
👤: Tim & Eric had a movie?
🐲: ... Well, maybe Baron Harkonnen instead.
👤: The greasy man from that movie no one saw?
🐲: He's not greasy in *all* of the interpretations!
👤: If you use a different interpretation, no one will know who you are.
🐲: If I use the one from a movie no one saw, no one will know who I am, anyway.
👤: Do you have any *contemporary* ideas?
🐲: Great Jagras.
👤: What is that? A Sith lord?
🐲: One of the monsters in the Monster Hunter world.
👤: Mmmm.
🐲: I don't have a lot of role models, no. 😅